
Pork Apple Burger

Pork Apple Burger

I tried out this recipe from my favourite cook book ~ delicious, Frugal Feasts. ..only to discover that the same recipe could be found online. Oh, the unfairness of it all.

Link to the recipe:
Pork burgers with sweet potato wedges Recipe | delicious. Magazine free recipes

..still, I wouldn't trade my printed copy for anything in the world! I'm just someone who love flipping pages and bookmarking recipes with a pretty pin or coloured post-it notes.

Anyway, I didn't have all the ingredients. So I did the best I could and even tried something new, a little experiment involving tomatoes and strawberry jam :)

This is probably the best burger I've ever made. The meat patty was very juicy on the inside and has a light sweetish taste. Adding the apple certainly worked wonders.

Because it tasted so delicious, I will most likely include some sort of fruit into any meat patty I make in future. That's right, all patties will have f-r-u-i-t!

Here's the deets on how I did mine, but please do read the original recipe (shared above) because it is "tried, tested and tasted". That means it is finger-licking good.

Ingredients (for four small burgers):
For the meat patty
- 250g pork (minced)
- 1 red apple (grated, without skin)
- 2 small red onions (chopped, lightly fried and cooled)
- Pinch of paprika

For frying
- 1-2 tbsp olive oil

For serving
- 4 wholemeal rolls (sliced in half)
- Fresh baby romaine greens
- Grape cherry tomatoes cooked in strawberry jam
- Baked sweet potato wedges (Baked with a bit of butter)

Minced pork, grated apple, chopped onions and paprika

1. Mix all the ingredients for the meat patty together. Shape into round patties (4 small patties for me).

2. Heat olive oil in pan. Fry patties until cooked, which took about 3 minutes on each side on medium heat.

3. Remove patties and place wholemeal rolls on pan, face down until lightly browned.

4. To serve, place greens on top of the bottom half of the bun, followed by one meat patty. Top with grape cherry tomatoes in strawberry jam. Eat with sweet potatoes on the side.

Patties being cooked

To assemble

Tadaaaa...! Delicious Pork Apple Burger ready to be served.


  1. I'm drooling...these look delicious! Enjoyed going through the process in your pictures!

  2. I'm always looking for pork recipes, Sharon - I'm a bit crap at being inventive with it and this really does look scrumptious! Especially with those mad jammy tomatoes!!! ;-) xx

    1. Thanks for being so encouraging, Abbe. I'm so glad that this one turned out right. It's motivation for me to try out even more stuff ;) xx

  3. look very interesting recipe !!!!!!!
    keep in touch
